Monday, 25 November 2013

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

It's beginning to look like Christmas, everywhere we go! Haha, yesterday I went to watch Catching Fire (which was amazing btw) and because we were in town we took a walk through the German markets which was a bad idea. It was cold, extremely busy and way too dark for a young girl like me. I tell you what, after eight the city centre is full of weirdos. Anyway, we're (well I am) drifting off subject here. While I was in town it certainly felt like Christmas, I picked up a few presents, there was Christmas songs playing in shops and the decorations were beautiful!

Bonus: There's an outdoor ice skating rink this year, exciting!

This isn't my pictures but these were some of the decorations in the centre.

So once I was in the Christmas mood, I decided I wanted to do some Christmas themed posts! This one is going to be (eventually when the waffle is over) about picking the perfect presents!

Gift giving tips!

1: List all the people you have to buy for, if your badly organised like me you could download an app, I use 'No More Socks' it's good for all year round and while it's a little long to set up it's so good when you get into it. Plus it's free! However, you could just find a little notebook and keep your list written down.

2. If you're a buying a present for someone you most likely know them quite well, if your buying for your Mum you could try stuff you know she likes. I'm getting my Mum Robbie Williams new swing album because she loves his swing music. I'm buying my Dad a Family Guy shirt because I know my Dad likes and know he where's them. For my sister a new Hollister body spray because she can never get enough! Then for your friends you can think of all the little things you have in common! One of my friends is very girly and likes all things girl so I brought her some cute earrings from new look. My other friend and myself are obsessed with penguins so I brought her a penguin travel mug, it's easier than you think it'll be! 

3. If you don't know them that well (or they're just hard to buy for) try these websites!

Or just ask them! If they say 'I don't know' hit them around the head for being so awkward.
(Just kidding, don't do that one, or don't say I told you to do it at least)

The most important thing is not to over think it, they will love it for sure, and remember that it's not about quantity. I used to buy so much because I thought of quantity but one or two quality gifts that you know they'll love is way better. For you and them!

Saturday, 16 November 2013

My favourite clothes shop(s).

Welcome to my third post as part of the #BritishBloggerSelection! I'm really enjoying it and you should go ahead and check it out!

I didn't really know what to write for this post (or at all right now, but that's a different story). I don't have a favourite shop to be honest, if I go shopping I like to go everywhere even if I know exactly what I'm looking for I never know exactly where to look for it. This left me wondering how I would exactly go about this post. So, eventually I decided on this...

My favourite clothes shops have fun pieces, I own a million black tank tops and blue jeans, so I tend to go into a shop depending on the patterns or the amount of graphic tees.

My favourite clothes shops are ones I've never heard of. I love seeing a new shop that's kind of small and not really popular because I find that they have so much personality. Don't get me wrong. I love big shops like Topshop or Primark but sometimes I might stumble across this little unknown gem and it's great!

My favourite clothes shops will open up on December 26th because jeeze louise do I love a good spend even if it's a day after I'm spoilt rotten, sue me.

My favourite clothes shops don't sell make-up, I hate it. It's (usually) not very good and I get sucked into buying nail polishes and lipsticks that I don't even like when all I needed wanted was a new pair of jeans. Saying this, I do love Topshop's very own line but some shops just shouldn't go there.

My favourite clothes shops play music. There's nothing more satisfying than singing to yourself while you look at shirt after shirt after jumper. I love shopping, but I love shopping to music more. I never put my earphones in either because even if I don't know/like the song it adds to the atmosphere. I'm all about atmosphere.

I hope you enjoyed my take on this weeks theme!

For more read last weeks post or my very first post!

I'd love to hear about your favourite shops! Any excuse for a good old shop.

Join #BritishBloggerSelection

Saturday, 9 November 2013

For the nosey.

This is my second post as part of the #BritishBloggerSelection and it may be an interesting one for those of you who (like me) love to ask questions! 

A (sooo not posed (or recycled)) picture of blogging in action.

Question One: Why Do You Like blogging?
I love talking! Sometimes not everybody wants to hear one of my rambles so I get to write it down and if people want to read they can! 
Question Two: How Did You Come Up With Your Blog Name? 
I have no idea! I recently changed it again before that! I haven't been blogging for very long so I haven't really found my blog 'identity' yet, I think this one's a keeper though. 
Question Three: Where From The UK Do You Come From? Birmingham! Brummy accent included lol.
Question Four: Favourite Colour? Pink (does the image give it away?)! Always has been. Recently though I've been loving a nice minty blue or turquoise. 
Question Five: Do You Like Lana Del Ray? Yes! I love this is what makes us girls, diet mountain dew and of course Summertime Sadness. Nothing makes a bus ride more enjoyable.
Question Six: Hidden Talents That You Have? It's not really hidden, but I can dance pretty well! At least I hpe so since I've been having lessons and doing exams for quite a while now! Haha. 
Question Seven: Celebrity Crush? Yes, how to choose one though? I'm a big television and film nerd so I have many... I think my biggest would be Misha Collins from supernatural. He's so funny and brilliant and his videos on YouTube with his son are by far the greatest! I watched a whole season of 24 and a film over half term just to watch him oops! (Tom Hiddleston is a close second) 
Misha playing Castiel in the CW show Supernatural.
Question Eight: Favourite Blog Of All Time? Bonnie! I love her blog. I could think of so many more but she just has me coming back every day and searching her archives! I'm addicted to say the least.
Question Nine: What Made You Want To Join #BritishBloggerSelection? I just love finding new blogs to read! Link ups and little communities like this one excite me so much! 

If you would like to join the #BritishBloggerSelection head over here to read about it. 

If you enjoyed reading this then you may also want to read last week's post.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Manners- they really do cost nothing.

I’m sat in bed in my big knitted cardigan (It’s my warmest), with a little dish of raisins and a cup of tea.

I’m enjoying being snuggled up in my big warm bed with the Arctic monkeys on in the background while a ‘storm’ rages outside. It's really cozy, where I am were not affected much by it.

Well, who cares? I can’t find my phone and I think I'm sat on it but I'm too lazy to look so with distractions out the way I thought I could write this post, I need to concentrate because it’s pretty deep. Consider this your warning. (It’s not that deep to be honest but it’s as deep as I get.)

When I went shopping today it occurred to me to me that manners -and smiles- really do cost nothing. (I warned you.)

I’m a really moody person by default so while I love shopping, I hate it at the same time. People are just way to rude these days. Maybe it’s the amount of rude I have been accustomed to means that if anyone is polite I get all giddy.

Wow. They just said excuse me, I think to myself.

Why are you saying sorry? I bumped into you! I am sorry, you are amazing! I feel like shouting.

It just makes me happy when people are polite.

Like today someone pushed past me and I apologise because –let’s be real-  you never really know whose fault it is and this lady shoots me a dirty look and carries on snootily.

Who are you to give me a dirty look? I just wanted some pyjamas; you could've walked round... The rant in my head began.

The next time it happens I just expect them to be rude and the rant continues worse than before but this time the person stops and apologises and all of a sudden the world is right again.

How could one person’s manners put everything right? I don’t know but it does. I want to grab this persons arm and never let go, my faith is restored.

I say sorry and move out of the way (see what manners get people, results!) they pass and I go back to shopping without my mood on.

It’s pretty damn awesome.

It’s not just manners either. The other day I was walking up the stairs at school and when I turned the corner I spotted a girl who I didn't know?

 I’d noticed her, she had noticed me. No dropping my head pretending not to notice now, we caught eye contact and she smiled at me. This is my favourite thing ever, no joke.

When you walk past a stranger and they give you a smile and you return it and everyone’s giddy, well at least I bloody am.

It’s not even a proper smile though. It’s kind of a grimace. It doesn't reach the eyes and usually just involves a little lip movement. But it’s enough.

That smile means, hey, I am a stranger acknowledging your existence. I am happy I crossed paths with you today and am not judging your (very) messy hair.

Or you know what else when a bus driver says thank you to you! It's like saying thanks for letting me drive you around, I wish my mom thought the same haha!

It’s what you need sometimes.

Monday, 4 November 2013

All good months must come to an end.

But not without a monthly favourites!

Hot showers: 
It's getting colder, that's for sure. I got out the other day and the back half of my leg was white and the front half red.

I don't mean the time of day either...
I never really listened to anything from the Arctic Monkeys before but after my new twitter addiction means that one of the girls I follow never stops talking about them. So, obviously I had too check them out and I'm so glad I did! 

I'm obsessed with twitter! I've had my account for two months and I have already tweeted over fifteen hundred tweets. Wow. Haha, it's so great for meeting new friends and live tweeting supernatural episodes! Feel free to follow me here ! My account is definitely very supernatural based so be warned, even my icon is supernatural and my bio. Oh yes, just in case you do decide to follow me I do not run over dogs my bio is a quote. I REPEAT I DO NOT RUN OVER DOGS IT'S A QUOTE. Glad that's covered.

Supernatural, 24, freshers:
Television, something I am way too invested in. There was a big twist in 24(season1) and I literally spent five minutes running around my room like a headless chicken sounding like a dying duck. It's bad. 24 is about an agent called Jack Bower who's trying to save the president but his daughter gets kidnapped followed by a load of other hurdles. That's really good, you should watch it. You should also check out Supernatural because it's beyond amazing, I am literally, obsessed. It's basically about two brothers who fight off supernatural creatures. Down the line angels and demons are brought in and it just gets crazy, I love it. The writers also throw in little funny episodes now and then. It's great. On supernatural anything is possible. Also, freshers. It's been on for a few weeks and it follows a few different students as they experience freshers week. New friends, lot's of drinking and there's an episode based on the orienteering and signing up for classes. It's funny and an insight into the lives of university students. I especially love Forrest and I think you would too! 

Leather jacket:
Everything about them. I'm obsessed with them, boys wearing them, different styles. A leather jacket and a cute scarf is key to not looking dull in your uniform, true story. Oh and boys wearing them, wow. With some dark hair and converse and hipster glasses and I'm getting sidetracked.

It's already November 4th and I can tell (apart from my exam tomorrow morning) it's gonna be a good one. I hope yours is too! 

Saturday, 2 November 2013

October 31st

Before we get started! I've just joined the #BritishBloggerSelection and you can too! Head on over here and leave your blog URL, blog name and first and last name! This weeks theme is Halloween so I guess I'll tell you all about mine! 

Thursday was a busy one, that's for sure. I was woken up (at 12 in the afternoon so I can't really complain) to go out for lunch with my sister and her boyfriend at the pub (he paid so he's a keeper), then we walked up the road to the high-street to get last minute party things. Which means a load of chocolate, sweets and drink, let's be honest. Then instead of going home, I met up with one of my friends and basically a load of walking occurred. I didn't get back until five but I jumped in the shower, put my slap on and set up decorations. We tried apple bobbing and one of my friends pushed someone's head further under, they grabbed hold of the bowl and ended up knocking it and the chair it was on over- water went every where! The party had emptied pretty much by midnight but Abbie stopped at mine that night and we were way too hyped to sleep, so we played just dance for a while and I nearly knocked her out about ten times-woops. We didn't get that many trick or treaters so the left over chocolate from that and the party we took upstairs to eat watching white chicks because believe it or not Abbie's never watched it and the first time because we both have Dylan O'Brien obsessions. (If you haven't you watched white chicks you really should it's so funny.) It wasn't wise to get so hyped up because we didn't fall asleep till six in the morning and we had to be up at eight . I had fun though so it was worth it! 

Did anyone else have any halloween stories to share? I'd love to hear! It's bonfire night in a few days so that post will be coming up too!

We carved pumpkins the day before.

The fake spiders web made it look like it had a wig LOL.

Some of the sweets we had laid out.

We needed a bigger window to be honest.